Anthropologists and cultural historians have long noted the differences in lifestyles and communication styles between the Japanese and Americans. While the Japanese prefer delicate wording and the opportunity to save face, Americans opt for a more direct communication style. Even in business, Japanese entrepreneurs are more attuned to body language and non-verbal cues, on average,…
U.S. corporations, working with printed documents, need the services of a professional translator if, for example, they want their employee manual printed in German, they have reports they want to share with a Japanese subsidiary, or they are launching an advertising campaign in China. For non-linguists, buying translation services are daunting because written words reflect on…
International business meetings are where cultural differences manifest. Every culture has its own interpretation of professional conduct and etiquette, and definitely has its own corporate rules too. As a result, professionals can and do clash during such meetings. Language barriers, for instance, can make communication difficult. It slows down the pace of a negotiation, and…